Phragmites australis

Common Name(s):
Common reed
Scientific Name:
Phragmites australis
Growth Traits:
Native, perennial, warm season
Description: A rhizomatous grass that can form dense colonies and reach heights of 6 to 15 feet. It is commonly found in moist soil areas such as ditches and other low areas. Common reed is used to stabilize banks and reduce erosion but can be a nuisance by becoming overabundant. It provides nesting habitat for blackbirds, and other birds use it as shelter. It usually doesn’t grow in water over 1.5 feet deep.
Chemical Control Options: Glyphosate, imazapyr or imazamox.
Mechanical Control Options: Cutting is only temporarily effective due to rhizomatic growth and ability to spread vegetatively, unless the water level can be manipulated to cover all cut stems with a couple of feet of water.
Biological Control Options: Heavy cattle grazing can control it, especially when growth is young and palatable to cattle.